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Fluke ii910

Precision Acoustic Imager

The ii910 Precision Acoustic Imaging is a cost efficient, safe, effective, and comfortable tool for teams to detect and locate partial discharge in power distribution and industrial high voltage equipment to prevent catastrophic events.

Fluke ii910
Frequency band Frequency band
Detection range Detection range
Size Size
Resolution Resolution
Field of View (FOV) Field of View (FOV)
Battery life Battery life
Storage Storage

Fluke ii900

Industrial Acoustic Imager

The Fluke ii900 Industrial Acoustic Imager enables maintenance teams to locate air, gas, and vacuum leaks quickly and accurately in compressed air systems—even in noisy environments.

Frequency band 2 kHz to 52 kHz
Detection range 0.5 to 70 meters (1.6 to 230 feet)*
Size 7" LCD with backlight, sunlight readable
Resolution 1280 x 800 (1,024,000 pixels)
Field of View (FOV) 63 ° ± 5 °
Battery life 6 hours/battery (product includes spare battery)
Storage 20GB

Fluke Ti480 PRO

Infrared Camera

Fluke Ti480 PRO has high thermal sensitivity, allowing you to isolate the smallest temperature anomalies. Display these temperature differences in SuperResolution mode – get 4x the standard resolution and analyze your thermal images in more detail than ever before.

Fluke Ti480 PRO
Infrared resolution 640 x 480 (307,200 pixels)
SuperResolution Yes, in software. Captures and combines 4x the data to create a 1280 x 960 image
IFOV with standard lens (spatial resolution) 0.93 mRad, D:S 1065:1
MultiSharp Focus Yes, focused near and far, throughout the field of view
Thermal sensitivity (NETD)* ≤0.05 °C at 30 °C target temp (50 mK)
Temperature measurement range -20 °C to +1,000 °C (-4 °F to 1,832 °F)

Fluke Ti401 PRO

Thermal Camera

The Fluke Ti401 PRO is equipped with a unique combination of 640 x 480 resolution and field of view that offers the flexibility to capture measurements in tight spaces or from a distance.

Fluke Ti401 PRO
Infrared resolution 640 x 480 (307,200 pixels)
SuperResolution No
IFOV with standard lens (spatial resolution) 0.93 mRad, D:S 1065:1
MultiSharp Focus No
Thermal sensitivity (NETD)* ≤ 0.075 °C at 30 °C target temp (75 mK)
Temperature measurement range -20 °C to +650 °C (-4 °F to +1,202 °F)

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